Sunday, May 16, 2010


Reflecting this morning on how kind and generous my friends and family are - no way to capture in words... Special thanks to those who reached out from afar: Shannon and Traveler you are an inspiration! So I offer a bit of sacred text to express by gratitude,

"Don't stop this train,
Don't for a minute change the place you're in,"

I'm thankful for all the amazing gifts:

I'm thankful for the kind thoughtfulness:

I'm thankful for dirt:

I'm thankful for new flower beds:

And I'm especially thankful for the months and months of gift cards for the newest member of the family, a DeWalt 12" Compound Miter Saw:

Love to all..

Sunday, May 02, 2010

16 Tons, What Do you Get?

Okay, well it was only 13 tons. Thanks to Billy, Lisa, and Advil, we've finally finished the "Right of Way" strip of land next to our property. It('s) rocks! Here's some photos of the finished product... (sorry we don't have 'before' pictures, but just imagine a long strip of weeds).

And with fancy drip irrigation too!

Six Lilac bushes (white and purple) and three "Burning bushes" ready for Summer!