Monday, August 20, 2007

Long Time No Post

I guess that makes me seem busy? Well, yes I have been. But that's no excuse! Seriously, You people let me get away with such sloppiness...

Some updates: Work continues to be fabulous. Cool people, cool work. Lots to learn. I've helped update the website to look shiny, so please go check it out. There's also a link to some of my handiwork that I'm proud to show.

I spent some of my time recently in New Hampshire helping my lovely wife Kristin with a leadership program for BAE. We did a fun project where participants had to create a self-powered vehicle to transport ping-pong balls "by land, by sea, and by air." Oh, and when I said, "Hey that'll be easy to do" someone should have slapped me (get in line!). After creating the course I proudly attempted an "air" crossing with my own vehicle and it went 4 of the required 18 ft. Crêpe. Here are some photos of the course and participants...

By sea (a 24 ft. shallow pool) and by Air (a fancy clothesline)

Pam and Chris ham it up while tensioning the cables

Serious competition, serious engineering, serious toys!

4000 lbs of water + a bunch of mid-20 yr-olds = Battle Boats!

Coming up in the Fall of 2007: Kristin and I will venture across the Pond for a wedding in Ireland, and hopefully a visit to Sam and Rebecca. Fantasy football is ramping up and Kristin looks to defend her title. Finally, I want to publicly congratulate my good friend Ryan on his recent wedding to Lisa. We love you both!