Monday, August 31, 2009

Last concrete is drying!

In addition to finishing the flashing on the roof, our crew finished pouring the last of the concrete today!

For a closer look... apparently it's fine to walk on because it's covered in boot prints. So much for etching a 'K+M 2009' in wet concrete like I had hoped... ah well.

Want to drive in! Want to drive in!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Creeping towards a finish....

Shingles on the awnings! Concrete forms for the patio and apron!

Electrical boxes expertly painted by Kristin!

Slooooowly getting there... Like our contractor says, "That'll be on Wednesday." Uh... Which Wednesday? Lol!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Electrical finished! (Sort of...)

Whaddya think of the light fixtures eh? I think they look great, except for one detail:

This one is UPSIDE DOWN:

...but the inside looks great:

EXCEPT if I want to plug anything in to the 220V outlet! Hm.

Finally, the alley is nicely lit!'s just gonna need a little paint. Where's Kristin?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Stucco Done!

Final stucco coat done and it looks fantastic! Slooooooow progress, but we're hoping to be able to park out cars in it by the end of the month. And see? Base coat of paint all done on the trim. Nice work Kristin!

Friday, August 21, 2009

First color!

Next comes the blue trim... (Kristin promised she'd do it...) Electrical power has been hooked up through the new connection - now we gotta get the cable guys to come bury their feed... Things are starting to shape up!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stucco base coat done!

Oh and Kristin? Thomas thinks you should put the trim primer on as soon as possible!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Latest photos from the new garage... the base layer of stucco is goin' up! Today they completed the North, East, and South sides... Pray for very little rain!

Also, my Mom and I (okay, mostly my Mom) did some cleaning up under the large tree. Hope you like it Kristin!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Two years in the making...

But who's counting? Oh. Really that many?

Finally, finally, finally there is a canoe hoist in Breckenridge. Sure, some might say it's "over-engineered." Others might go as far as to say, "Hey, stop talking about the damn thing." In the end, all I can say is, "Uh, it still doesn't work like I want it to..." Proudly, and with reverence to the very object of affection, Tuck's hand-crafted canoe, I hereby present "the canoe hoist."

<< trumpet fanfare from mountain top >>

Yes, after a long toil, toil, boil and bubble, my Mom and I installed the hoist this last Sunday with only three ulcers, a headache, loud swearing, dispair, elation, and of course an immediate subsequent trip to Blackhawk (for you non-Coloradoans: it's like Vegas, but with buffalo roaming the streets and olde tyme water-closets).

(Off to a good start on the day of assembly.)

Yeah, I totally forgot to get a close-up of the arms that extend the canoe about a yard out from the wall to avoid the breakfast counter, but here's a photo of the hoist motor and cable guides mounted behind the rafters in the loft bedroom:

And finally, let me heap some praises where they are due:

- To Kristin for immense support and love during all the late nights,
- To Ryan Sharp for expert welds and sage engineering advice,
- To Tuck and Liz for their patience, patience, and patience these long years
- And finally to Joan, my Mom, for elbow grease, tolerance of my frustrations, and unending belief in my capabilities (however misplaced they clearly are...)

Now off to fix the damn thing...

Dad, I'll try again next time.

"The Johnsons Space Center received more than 3,500 applications for the 9 astronaut candidate positions filled. The large number of well-qualified applicants made the selection process a difficult one. Regrettably, we were only able to select a small number of those with the potential to make a contribution to the nation's space program." --Duane L. Ross

"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." --Ursula K. LeGuin

Friday, August 07, 2009

Steady Progress...

Framing inspection and fire inspection completed... handing over a big check... stucco well on its way! Interesting note: Our stucco guy is also a volunteer fire fighter. Nice to have guys like that around the house!

Looking back to the house from within the garage...

The new power feed connection...

Indeed, proper fire supression on the North wall... (will be closed off with drywall)

Wednesday of next week: garage doors and first layer of stucco!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Taking Shape!

Here's a view of the construction from the alley - with our general contractor Thomas hamming it up! Hello down there!

And for the record, here's the view from the patio... looking good!

Roof is finished.. electrical is in... stucco beginning on the 6th... things are taking shape quickly!